Welcome to the TSU 校董会 Page
问候, We extend a heartfelt welcome to the TSU 校董会' webpage. Comprising eight esteemed members along with a dedicated student representative, our Board plays a pivotal role in charting the course towards academic brilliance and institutional advancement. As stewards of our institution's future, the 校董会 brings together a diverse range of expertise, 视角, 和见解. With a collective focus on innovation, 领导, 学术诚信, we collaboratively shape the present and future of 德克萨斯南方大学. 在这里, we invite you to explore the profiles of our dedicated regents, learn about our key initiatives, and gain insights into the pivotal decisions that drive our institution forward. We appreciate your support in embracing our #TSUProud commitment. 在一起, we pave the way for future generations, 以平等为动力, 创新的全球计划, and the transformation of diverse students into lifelong learners and creative leaders. 点击 在这里 to Meet the 校董会
“一个乐队,一个声音”(From left to right: President Crawford, 摄政班, 摄政王贝克·赫尔利, 摄政Getwood, 摄政Nellons-Paige, 席梦思床品公司主席, 摄政麦地那, 摄政玫瑰, 摄政约翰逊) |
点击 在这里 to join the Standing Committees & 董事会定期会议 on Thursday, June 13th @ 9:00 a.m. 中科 |
Office of Board Relations - 德克萨斯南方大学 - 3100 Cleburne Street - Hannah Hall Room 115 - Houston, 德克萨斯州- 77004 |